Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 18 February 2025
Through funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, and the generous contributions of many individual donors, the Publications Committee of the American Musicological Society makes available funds to help with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, essay collections, articles, chapters in essay collections, special issues of journals, and works in non-print media. Subventions are granted for any topic of musicological research.
For additional information about the AMS subvention program, please visit the AMS website.
Subventions are awarded only for work written by members of the AMS. Applications for any amount up to $2500 will receive consideration. No individual can receive a subvention more than once in a three-year period. Applications that are not complete will not be considered.
Individual authors or editors, or their sponsoring organization, society, or department, may apply for assistance to defray costs not normally covered by publishers. Examples include costs related to illustrations, musical examples, facsimiles, accompanying audio or video examples, permissions, and in exceptional cases copy-editing. Subventions are not given to defray costs associated with indexing or translations. Author subventions required by publishers are not eligible for reimbursement.
Proposals from scholars at all stages of their careers are welcome. Projects that make use of newer technologies are also encouraged.
In addition to the standard subvention funds, works by early career professionals may also be eligible for funding from the AMS 75 PAYS subvention fund, which provides support for the publication of first books by professionals in the early stages of their musicology research or teaching career. Click here for complete eligibility criteria and information on eligibility appeals regarding the AMS 75 PAYS subvention fund.
The following materials are required:
- A short written abstract (1,000 words maximum) that describes the project and its contribution to musical scholarship.
- A copy of the article or full and complete book draft. Please identify the date of the manuscript you submit. If submitting an application for a non-print project, submit the equivalent or consult the AMS office for guidance.
- A copy of a contract or letter of agreement that demonstrates final acceptance for publication and includes the clauses that stipulate the author's assumption of the expenses for which the subvention is requested.
- A budget (itemized list of expenses) for which the subvention would be applied.
- (Optional): copies of invoices or receipts to support the proposed budget.
- Copies of the readers' reports and authors' responses (with names redacted). Include the dates the reports were written.
Application deadlines are mid-February and mid-August each year.
Decisions will be announced no later than five months after each deadline. Recipients of subventions are requested to forward a copy of the final product (book, article, resource) upon publication. Awards must be claimed (with submission of receipts) within thirty-six months of the granting of the subvention.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 18 February 2025
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 18 February 2025
Through funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, and the generous contributions of many individual donors, the Publications Committee of the American Musicological Society makes available funds to help with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, essay collections, articles, chapters in essay collections, special issues of journals, and works in non-print media. Subventions are granted for any topic of musicological research.
For additional information about the AMS subvention program, please visit the AMS website.
Subventions are awarded only for work written by current members of the AMS. Applications for any amount up to $2500 will receive consideration. Applications that are not complete will not be considered. Publisher subventions are intended to reduce the retail price of the book or resource and make it more accessible to readers.
In addition to the standard subvention funds, works by early career professionals may also be eligible for funding from the AMS 75 PAYS subvention fund, which provides support for the publication of first books by professionals in the early stages of their musicology research or teaching career. Click here for complete eligibility criteria and information on eligibility appeals (to be submitted by the author) regarding the AMS 75 PAYS subvention fund.
To apply for a Publisher's subvention, the following materials are required:
- The entire manuscript, including its date
- Copies of the readers’ reports and authors’ responses (including dates; names should be redacted)
- A detailed financial statement, indicating: 1) a breakdown of the costs of publication, including details such as projected print run, licensing expenses, and other expenses associated with the project; 2) the amount requested from the AMS as a subvention; 3) the impact the subvention will have on the retail price of the book or resource.
Subvention application deadlines are mid-February and mid-August each year.
Decisions will be announced no later than five months after the application deadline. Recipients of subventions are requested to forward a copy of the final product (book, article, resource) upon publication. All awards must be claimed (with submission of receipts) within thirty-six months of the granting of the subvention.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 18 February 2025
Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 3 February 2025
Call for Proposals
As part of the Society's new AMS Explore initiative, the AMS Education Committee invites proposals from current or recent undergraduates for 10-minute paper presentations to be delivered during the 2025 AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 6-9 November at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. AMS Explore is aimed at facilitating the involvement of current and recently-graduated undergraduate students in the AMS Annual Meeting. Accepted participants will present their research as part of a symposium consisting of papers given by other members of the AMS Explore cohort. Papers will take the form of 10-minute presentations, followed by a panel discussion and general Q&A. In addition to presenting, participants in the AMS Explore program will be required to participate in cohort activities with peers and members of the AMS Education Committee that better prepare them for conference presentation and help them get as much as possible out of their conference experience.
The AMS Explore program is an excellent way for undergraduates and early-career scholars to be introduced to the AMS community, receive constructive feedback on their work, and enjoy a welcoming conference experience. Accepted participants will receive complimentary registration and a $350 grant to defray the cost of travel. Free lodging (with a roommate) in the conference hotel will also be provided.
Proposals must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. EST, 3 February 2025. Exceptions cannot be made to this deadline, so please plan accordingly. Notifications of decisions will be sent in early June.
Application is open to individuals who are either currently enrolled in an undergraduate institution or who have graduated within the last three (3) years, but who are not yet enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application. Only students/graduates of universities in the U.S. or Canada are eligible to apply. International students are eligible, so long as they are students or recent graduates of a U.S. or Canadian institution.
Application Procedures:
To apply for AMS Explore, the following materials are required:
- A personal statement (maximum 550 words).
- A paper proposal abstract (maximum 350 words).
Applicants will receive a decision notification in early June.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 3 February 2025
Deadline: 11:59pm CST, 17 February 2025
Call for Proposals
The AMS Performance Committee invites proposals for concerts, lecture-recitals, workshops, and other types of performances during the 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society held jointly with the Society for Music Theory in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 6–9 November at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. We encourage proposals that develop a point of view, offer a programmatic focus, explore new musicological findings, or relate to the rich musical traditions of Minneapolis and the surrounding region. Proposals that engage with the Society’s diversity of interests and methodological approaches (including proposals that expand on the concept of “performance” itself) are especially welcome.
Freelance artists as well as performers and ensembles affiliated with colleges, universities, or conservatories are encouraged to submit proposals.
Materials must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. CST, 17 February 2024. Exceptions cannot be made to this deadline, so please plan accordingly. Notifications of the Performance Committee’s decisions will be sent in late May.
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 January 2025
The AMS / Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Lectures provide a public forum that brings music research to a broader audience. Individuals who have based their research on musicological topics oriented to the RRHOF Archives and Collections are invited to submit lecture proposals; nominations for potential speakers are also encouraged. Preference will be given to topics dealing directly with rock and roll music, but proposals dealing with neighboring traditions (i.e., blues, country, jazz, as well as hip-hop, singer-songwriters, etc.) will also be considered.
Proposed lectures must be based on original research. Topics directly related to Rock and Roll will be given preference.
Award & Notification:
Decision notifications will be sent in early April. The selected lecture(s) will be scheduled in coordination with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Support for travel and accommodations will be provided.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 January 2025
Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 19 January 2025
The Early Music Program Fund (EMPF) was established in late 2020 to support educational or field-building programming for researchers studying music in the period before c. 1600.
The Early Music Program Fund's educational programs build, strengthen, and sustain the research skills needed to knowledgably study, teach, perform, and illuminate music and musical cultures in the period before c. 1600. This includes, but is not limited to, programming focused on paleography, codicology, organology, the archival sciences, the study of musical notation and lexicology, languages and liturgy, and the scribal and material cultures that informed and conditioned the creation, evolution, and dissemination of early music. EMPF field-building programming focuses on strengthening and extending the scholarly and professional networks that support scholars and teachers who work on early music up to c. 1600.
Only AMS-affiliated chapters, study groups, and committees are eligible to submit a proposal for funding from the Early Music Program Fund. Individuals wishing to apply should contact an AMS chapter, study group, or committee and invite them to sponsor the proposal. AMS chapters, study groups, and committees are limited to a maximum of two proposals per annual grant cycle. To be considered, proposals must either be submitted by a duly elected or appointed leader of the relevant chapter, study group, or committee, or be received along with a letter from such a leader authorizing the proposal submission on behalf of that chapter, study group or committee. Proposals in excess of $2000 will not be considered, and the AMS reserves the right to award less than the requested amount. All funds must be used within the two fiscal years following receipt of the grant.
Notification and Use of Funds
Applicants will receive a decision notification in mid-March. All funds awarded will be transferred into the sponsoring AMS group's account and payments/reimbursements can be claimed using the Payment Request Form. Funds awarded must be used by 30 June 2026. Recipients will be required to complete a grant report detailing use of funds and providing data on impact.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions."
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 19 January 2025
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 3 March 2025
The Suzanne G. Cusick Professional Development Fund provides $500 professional development and career support grants for scholars of music, sound studies, and musical performance. The grants are intended to support low-income independent scholars, contingent faculty, and individuals whose paid work outside the academy does not offer them access to professional development. In all programs supported by this fund, special efforts will be made to ensure equitable participation by members of historically under-represented groups.
To be eligible for this grant you must:
- have been active in the AMS within the last five years (e.g., by presenting papers, working on committees, contributing to AMS publications, or being an AMS member);
- have an annual income that falls within the lowest two tiers of the Society’s income-based membership dues scale (less than $45,000 per year).
Recipients will be chosen by lottery. To support diversity, the lottery may be weighted to ensure adequate representation of historically under-represented groups.
Notification and Use of Funds:
If chosen, you will receive an award notification in early April. Funds awarded must be used between 1 May 2025 and 30 April 2026.
Important Notes:
- Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 3 March 2025
Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EST, 31 January 2025
The Claude V. Palisca Award honors each year a scholarly edition or translation in the field of musicology published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States, deemed by a committee of scholars to best exemplify the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, logic and clarity of thought, and communication. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book. Three categories of musicological works are eligible for the Palisca award: translations into English of musicologically significant texts; editions of music; or editions of musicologically significant texts.
The award committee, consisting of five scholars, will accept nominations from any individual and will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. A work of scholarship may receive only one AMS award. An individual may receive the award only once.
Nominations, including self-nominations, of works published in 2024 may be submitted by 31 January 2025. Additionally, the award committee may solicit the curriculum vitae of each nominee.
Nominations and Review Copies:
- Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations on or about 15 February 2025.
- If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
- For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
Important Notes:
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
- Publishers: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.
Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EST, 31 January 2025
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EST, 3 February 2025
There are 3 fellowships offered by the AMS:
Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowship:
The Society makes available three funded AMS 50 dissertation-year fellowships each year. Any student registered in good standing for a doctorate at a North American* university who has completed all formal degree requirements except the dissertation at the time of full application is eligible to apply. The fellowships are not intended for support of the early stages of research: it is expected that a Fellow's dissertation will be completed within the fellowship year.
Any submission for a doctoral degree in which the emphasis is on musical scholarship will be eligible.
Holmes/D'Accone Dissertation Fellowship in Opera Studies:
The Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship for dissertation research recognizes academic achievement and future promise in the study of opera. Any full-time graduate student registered in good standing for a doctorate at a North American* university who has had a dissertation proposal in the subfield of opera studies approved at the time of the application is eligible to apply, regardless of the stage of dissertation work.
Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship:
The Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship was established by friends of the late Howard Mayer Brown on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Intended to increase the presence of minority scholars and teachers in musicology, the fellowship supports one year of graduate work for a student at a U.S. or Canadian university who is a member of a historically underrepresented group, including, in the U.S., African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, and, in Canada, aboriginal peoples and visible minorities (as defined by Canadian legislation). Preference will normally be given to candidates who are citizens or permanent residents of a North American* country. The award will not be made to those who already have full funding roughly equivalent to the amount of the Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship, regardless of whether it includes a teaching assignment, except on a non-stipendiary basis.
Students are eligible who have completed at least one year of full-time graduate work, intend to pursue a Ph.D., and are in good standing at their home institution. They should show evidence of academic excellence and promise of continuing achievement in music scholarship. Students in any stage of the degree are welcome to apply, but those in the earlier stages are particularly encouraged to apply. Students at a U.S. or Canadian university who are a member of a historically underrepresented group, including, in the U.S., African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, and, in Canada, aboriginal peoples and visible minorities (as defined by Canadian legislation) are encouraged to apply. There are no restrictions as to research area, age, or sex.
*includes all 23 countries in the North American continent
Please note: AMS Fellowships now use a common application. If you are eligible for and wish to apply for more than one AMS fellowship, you may do so by completing a single common application. You must indicate on the form for which fellowship(s) you are applying.
To apply for the Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowship and/or the Holmes/D'Accone Fellowship, the following materials are required:
- A brief (1,000 character) dissertation project description.
- A current dissertation proposal of 2,000-4,000 words, double-spaced, in 12-point font. The proposal should include a detailed rationale of the project (supported by, but not limited to, an assessment of relevant secondary literature) and an overview of each chapter. It should be a sourced document with footnotes, endnotes, and/or bibliography. Word count does not include footnotes, endnotes, or bibliography. This document should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution.
- A timeline (1-2 pages) for completion of the dissertation, including information about progress to date. The timeline should indicate all milestones (completion of exams, proposal approval, etc.) that are relevant for your program/institution. This document should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution.
- A sample chapter or excerpt (preferably not an introductory chapter reviewing the literature). This chapter or excerpt should be one that clearly represents or bolsters your overall thesis, and should not exceed 60 double-spaced pages in length. This document should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution.
- You must also arrange for a letter from the registrar or departmental Director of Graduate Studies, attesting to ABD (all-but-dissertation) status. This must be requested using the reference request feature included in the application form, so have your attestor's name and email handy when filling in the form. You may send this letter request at any time, even before you are ready to submit the application.
Note: Letters of recommendation, a curriculum vitae, and a bibliography are not required for the AMS 50 or Holmes/D'Accone Fellowships.
To apply for the Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship, the following materials are required:
- A personal statement (not to exceed 1,000 words) summarizing the applicant's musical and academic background and stating why they wish to pursue an advanced degree in music studies. Areas of research or specific topics that the applicant would pursue in the 2024–2025 academic year if supported by a Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship should be identified and discussed.
- A curriculum vitae.
- A sample or samples of the applicant’s work (not to exceed 30 pages total), such as term paper(s), thesis chapter(s), or any published material. Writing samples should be clearly labeled as to their date and the purpose for or context in which they were originally written.
- One letter of support from a faculty member. The letter should address the applicant's general intellectual and musical ability and how these might contribute to a successful career in scholarship and teaching. The letter of support must be requested using the reference request feature included in the application form, so have your reference name and email handy when filling in the form. You may send this request at any time, even before you are ready to submit the application.
- For AMS 50 and Holmes/D'Accone Fellowships, Applicants must submit items 1-4, above, in an anonymous form, i.e., without name or evidence of institutional affiliation in any document (including text, headers, footers, footnotes, and document properties). Please be particularly careful not to name university-based sources of funding or other institutional information in the prospectus and timeline.
- Start your application process early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
- You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
- Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also check the status of your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
- If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
All AMS fellows receive a twelve-month stipend, currently set at $25,000. AHJ AMS 50 Fellowships and Holmes/D'Accone Fellowships are awarded solely on the basis of academic merit, and AMS 50 and Holmes/D'Accone fellows are expected to focus on completing their dissertations and not to undertake more than twenty (20) hours each week of paid or unpaid employment during the fellowship term.
Recipients of any of all of these fellowships may elect to accept the award on a non-stipendiary basis (thus freeing scarce resources for others). Fellowships are intended for full-time study. An equivalent major award from another source may not be held concurrently or consecutively unless the AMS award is accepted without a stipend. Fellowships are not deferable or renewable. There are no provisions for the payment of tuition: it is hoped that graduate schools will provide tuition fellowships or waivers.
Fellows are selected in the spring and announced in the summer.
Application Deadline: 11:59pm EST, 3 February 2025