AMS Travel and Research Grants Common Application

Ends on

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025


Applications for the eight AMS travel and research grants listed below are reviewed by a single committee. Since the terms for these grants have overlapping areas of emphasis, applicants may request, where appropriate, to be considered for more than one. However, applicants should carefully review each grant program's eligibility criteria and area(s) of emphasis before applying for that grant. Indiscriminate application is strongly discouraged and may lead to disqualification.

A place to indicate which travel/research grant(s) you wish to be considered for is given on the application form. Although applicants may request to be considered for several grants, only one may be awarded to any applicant during a single application season. No individual may receive a travel/research grant more than once in a three-year period.

The average award amount typically ranges from $500 to $2,500.


Six of the eight travel and research grants have the same eligibility requirements (although they may have different areas of emphasis). The Cohen/RIPM grant and the Wolf grant have unique eligibility requirements. 

Antokoletz, Bartlet, Bozarth, LaRue, Powers, and Saloman eligibility:

These awards are to be given annually to one or more doctoral students at or doctoral graduates of North American universities to conduct doctoral or post-doctoral musicological research matching the area of emphasis specified by the individual grant. If applicants seek to conduct research for their dissertation, they must have completed all other requirements for the doctoral degree. If they seek to conduct post-doctoral research, they should have completed the doctoral degree within the past five years. Preference will be given to applicants whose home institutions do not offer financial support for musicological research.

Cohen/RIPM eligibility:

All members of the AMS are eligible to apply. Grants from the fund will support research and travel related to the goals of RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals), a long-standing publication internationally recognized as one of the primary tools in research in music and musicology. The fund supports studies based in large part upon eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature dealing with music, including those focusing on one or more journals, music critics and criticism, reception history and issues related to access and preservation.

Wolf eligiblity:

The award is to be given annually to one or more doctoral students at North American universities to conduct musicological research for their dissertation topic in Europe. Applicants must have completed all doctoral degree requirements except the dissertation. Preference will be given to applicants whose home institutions do not offer financial support for musicological research.

Grants and their Area of Emphasis:

Elliott Antokoletz Endowment for research based on music-centered approaches to creativity in twentieth-century music (composition, improvisation, performance)

M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Endowment for research in France

Virginia and George Bozarth Endowment for research in Austria

H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Endowment for research based on the musical press; related to the goals of RIPM

Jan LaRue Travel Endowment for research in Europe

Harold Powers World Travel Endowment for research throughout the world; global-oriented and disciplinarily open

Ora Frishberg Saloman Endowment for research oriented to music criticism and reception history

Eugene K. Wolf Travel Endowment for research in any field of musical scholarship; research to be undertaken in Europe

Letter of Support:

One letter of support from a scholar familiar with your work is required in order to complete the application. The application form will ask you to submit a reference request for the letter of support so that the scholar writing your letter can submit it via this submission platform. The form will ask you to input the email address of the letter writer.

Notification and Use of Funds:

Applicants will receive a decision notification in mid May.

Funds awarded in 2025 must be applied to travel/research undertaken between 1 May 2025 and 30 April 2026.

Important Notes:

  1. Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
  2. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  3. Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  4. If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025

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