You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Lewis Lockwood Award honors each year a musicological book of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country by an early-career scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early-career” is here defined as no more than twelve years beyond completion of the PhD degree. If you are an author who is more than twelve years beyond the PhD, a confidential eligibility appeal* can be submitted, please see below for additional details.

The award committee, consisting of five scholars, will accept nominations from any individual and will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the award only once, but winning the Lockwood Award will not preclude an author from also winning the Otto Kinkeldey Award at a later stage of their career. A book may receive only one AMS award.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

*Eligibility Appeals: If you are an author whose career trajectory does not technically fit the stated eligibility criteria for "early career professional," you may request that your book be considered if you can otherwise show that you are still in the early stages of your musicology research or teaching career. Such requests are kept confidential and if approved, will authorize you to nominate your work for the Lockwood Award. Eligibility appeals are generally granted to those whose publication does not fall within the twelve-year post terminal degree window because of delays caused by career switching, ill health, pregnancy or other personal circumstances.

If you wish to make an eligibility appeal, please email your request and rationale to at least six weeks prior to the award nomination deadline. Your email should specifically state the eligibility criteria that you do NOT meet and which you would like waived, and why. Decisions on eligibility appeals will be provided within one month of the submission of the appeal. If your eligibility is approved, you will be authorized to submit a nomination for the Lockwood Award. Your nominated work will still have to undergo the usual committee review process and meet all other applicable requirements.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Philip Brett Award, sponsored by the LGBTQ Study Group of the American Musicological Society, is named in honor of Philip Brett (1937–2002), one of the founding members of the study group. Each year it honors exceptional musicological work in the field of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual studies completed during the previous two calendar years (for work completed in 2023 or 2024), in any country and in any language. By “work” is meant a published article, book, edition, annotated translation, a paper read at a conference, teaching materials (course descriptions and syllabi), and other scholarly work accepted by the award committee that best exemplifies the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, theory, and communication in this field of study. By "completion" is meant the publication in the case of articles, books, editions, etc.; and delivery at a conference or the like in the case of a paper.

The award consists of a monetary prize and certificate. The recipient will receive recognition at the annual meeting of the Society and the annual meeting of the LGBTQ Study Group. The committee will entertain nominations from any individual, including self-nominations. Individuals may receive the award on more than one occasion.

Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025. 

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award honors each year outstanding musicological work in the field of critical race and/or critical ethnic studies. By "work" is meant a published article, book, edition, or other scholarly entity that best exemplifies the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, theory, and communication in this area. Work published during the preceding three calendar years (2022 to 2024) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States is eligible for the award.

The award committee, consisting of five scholars, will choose a single winner from among the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award only once. A book, monograph, edition, or article may receive only one AMS award.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies: 

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Music in American Culture Award honors each year a book of exceptional merit that both illuminates some important aspect of the music of the United States and places that music in a rich cultural context. The goal of this award is to recognize the best writing on music in American culture, regardless of the source or intended audience of that writing; hence work by a broad range of authors—including performing musicians, journalists, and music critics, as well as academic scholars—will be considered. Books published in the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country are eligible. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book. The author must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada.

Nominations, including self-nominations, may be submitted by any individual within or outside the AMS. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Music in American Culture Award only once. A book may receive only one AMS award.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Otto Kinkeldey Award will honor each year a musicological book of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is past the early stages of their career and who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early-stages" is here defined as no more than twelve years beyond completion of the PhD degree. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book.

An individual may receive the Kinkeldey Award only once. A book may receive only one AMS award.

The committee, consisting of five scholars, will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 1 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Roland Jackson Award recognizes an article in the English language of exceptional merit in the field of music analysis by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States.

The award will be made according to three separate subject categories, in successive years, as follows:

  • music from circa 1800 to the present
  • music circa 1600 to 1800
  • music before 1600

In the current year of the award (2025), articles on music from circa 1800 to the present published in 2022, 2023, and 2024 are eligible. (To inaugurate the award in 2016, articles on music from 1800 to the present that were published in 2014 and 2015 were eligible. In the second year of the award (2017), articles on music from 1600 to 1800 published in 2014, 2015, and 2016 were eligible. In the third year of the award (2018), articles on music before 1600 published in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were eligible.)

The award will be made in each subject category once every three years and articles published during the previous three years will be eligible.

The committee, consisting of five scholars, chooses a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Jackson Award only once. An article may receive only one AMS award. 

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 1 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 1 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Ruth A. Solie Award honors each year a collection of musicological essays of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country and edited by a scholar or scholars, at least one of whom is a member of the AMS or citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the collection. Both books and collections that form themed journal issues or volumes are eligible. Established to honor the editor of Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship (University of California Press, 1995), a field-defining and field-changing book, the award acknowledges the value of the individual authors’ contributions to the collection while recognizing the central role of the editor(s) in conceiving and shaping the whole.

The award committee, consisting of five scholars, will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winning editor(s) will receive a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Solie Award only once. A book/collection may receive only one AMS award.
Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The H. Colin Slim Award honors each year a musicological article of exceptional merit, published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is past the early stages of their career and who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early-stages" is here defined as no more than twelve years beyond completion of the PhD degree.

The award committee, consisting of five scholars, will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Slim Award only once. An article may receive only one AMS award.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025. 

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Early Music Award will honor each year a substantial, single-author work of scholarship on music before 1550. Nominations may be accepted for publications in a variety of formats: articles, books, and scholarly editions with significant editorial commentaries are all eligible for consideration. Work published during the preceding three calendar years (2022-2024) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States is eligible for the award. An individual may receive the Early Music Award only once. A work of scholarship may receive only one AMS award.

The committee, consisting of three scholars, will accept nominations from any individual and will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. 

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Alfred Einstein Award will honor each year a musicological article of exceptional merit, published during the previous year (2024) in any language and in any country by an early-career scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early-career" is here defined as no more than twelve years beyond completion of the PhD degree. If you are an author who is more than twelve years beyond the PhD, a confidential eligibility appeal* can be submitted, please see below for additional details.

The committee, consisting of five scholars, will will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the award only once, but winning the Einstein Award will not preclude winning the H. Colin Slim Award at a later stage of the career. An article may receive an AMS award only once.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

*Eligibility Appeals: If you are an author whose career trajectory does not technically fit the stated eligibility criteria for "early career professional," you may request that your article be considered if you can otherwise show that you are still in the early stages of your musicology research or teaching career. Such requests are kept confidential and if approved, will authorize you to nominate your work for the Einstein Award. Eligibility appeals are generally granted to those whose publication does not fall within the twelve-year post terminal degree window because of delays caused by career switching, ill health, pregnancy or other personal circumstances.

If you wish to make an eligibility appeal, please email your request and rationale to at least six weeks prior to the award nomination deadline. Your email should specifically state the eligibility criteria that you do NOT meet and which you would like waived, and why. Decisions on eligibility appeals will be provided within one month of the submission of the appeal. If your eligibility is approved, you will be authorized to submit a nomination for the Einstein Award. Your nominated work will still have to undergo the usual committee review process and meet all other applicable requirements.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025


Applications for the eight AMS travel and research grants listed below are reviewed by a single committee. Since the terms for these grants have overlapping areas of emphasis, applicants may request, where appropriate, to be considered for more than one. However, applicants should carefully review each grant program's eligibility criteria and area(s) of emphasis before applying for that grant. Indiscriminate application is strongly discouraged and may lead to disqualification.

A place to indicate which travel/research grant(s) you wish to be considered for is given on the application form. Although applicants may request to be considered for several grants, only one may be awarded to any applicant during a single application season. No individual may receive a travel/research grant more than once in a three-year period.

The average award amount typically ranges from $500 to $2,500.


Six of the eight travel and research grants have the same eligibility requirements (although they may have different areas of emphasis). The Cohen/RIPM grant and the Wolf grant have unique eligibility requirements. 

Antokoletz, Bartlet, Bozarth, LaRue, Powers, and Saloman eligibility:

These awards are to be given annually to one or more doctoral students at or doctoral graduates of North American universities to conduct doctoral or post-doctoral musicological research matching the area of emphasis specified by the individual grant. If applicants seek to conduct research for their dissertation, they must have completed all other requirements for the doctoral degree. If they seek to conduct post-doctoral research, they should have completed the doctoral degree within the past five years. Preference will be given to applicants whose home institutions do not offer financial support for musicological research.

Cohen/RIPM eligibility:

All members of the AMS are eligible to apply. Grants from the fund will support research and travel related to the goals of RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals), a long-standing publication internationally recognized as one of the primary tools in research in music and musicology. The fund supports studies based in large part upon eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature dealing with music, including those focusing on one or more journals, music critics and criticism, reception history and issues related to access and preservation.

Wolf eligiblity:

The award is to be given annually to one or more doctoral students at North American universities to conduct musicological research for their dissertation topic in Europe. Applicants must have completed all doctoral degree requirements except the dissertation. Preference will be given to applicants whose home institutions do not offer financial support for musicological research.

Grants and their Area of Emphasis:

Elliott Antokoletz Endowment for research based on music-centered approaches to creativity in twentieth-century music (composition, improvisation, performance)

M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Endowment for research in France

Virginia and George Bozarth Endowment for research in Austria

H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Endowment for research based on the musical press; related to the goals of RIPM

Jan LaRue Travel Endowment for research in Europe

Harold Powers World Travel Endowment for research throughout the world; global-oriented and disciplinarily open

Ora Frishberg Saloman Endowment for research oriented to music criticism and reception history

Eugene K. Wolf Travel Endowment for research in any field of musical scholarship; research to be undertaken in Europe

Letter of Support:

One letter of support from a scholar familiar with your work is required in order to complete the application. The application form will ask you to submit a reference request for the letter of support so that the scholar writing your letter can submit it via this submission platform. The form will ask you to input the email address of the letter writer.

Notification and Use of Funds:

Applicants will receive a decision notification in mid May.

Funds awarded in 2025 must be applied to travel/research undertaken between 1 May 2025 and 30 April 2026.

Important Notes:

  1. Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
  2. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  3. Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  4. If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The H. Robert Cohen Award honors each year a publication related to the goals of RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals), a long-standing enterprise internationally recognized as one of the primary tools for research in music and musicology. The award will honor a work of scholarship of exceptional merit based upon eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature related to music. Works eligible for this award include, but are not limited to, books, articles, or widely-disseminated databases focusing on one or more journals, music critics and criticism, reception history, critical and cultural histories (e.g. of nationalism, genres, race, gender, class), and issues of access and preservation.

Work published during the preceding three calendar years (2021 to 2023) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States is eligible for the award. An individual may receive the H. Robert Cohen / RIPM Award only once. A work of scholarship may receive only one AMS award.

The award committee, consisting of three scholars, will choose a single winner from among all the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies: 

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Ends on

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025


The Janet Levy Fund is for those without access to employer-based research funding. Examples of projects supported by the Levy Fund include travel to the Annual Meeting of the AMS, to a conference to read a paper or participate in an official capacity, or to archives or research libraries; research expenses; costs related to the reproduction of manuscripts and archival documents; and specialized research materials. Award amounts will range between $500 and $2,000. Proposals are evaluated by a committee of three appointed by the AMS president.


The Janet Levy Fund supports professional travel and research expenses for scholars who are members of the American Musicological Society. The award is open to those who hold the Ph.D. or demonstrate equivalency in the scholarly record and who do not have access to employer-based research funding. Present recipients of full-time fellowships, retirees, and those who have received the Ph.D. within the past five years are not eligible for this grant. No individual may receive a Levy Award more than once in a three-year period.

Letter of Support

One letter of support from a scholar familiar with your work is required in order to complete the application. The application form will ask you to submit a reference request for the letter of support so that the scholar writing your letter can submit it via this submission platform. The form will ask you to input the email address of the letter writer.

Notification and Use of Funds:

Applicants will receive a decision notification in mid May.

Funds awarded in 2025 must be applied to travel/research undertaken between 1 May 2025 and 30 April 2026.

Important Notes:

  1. Start your application early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.
  2. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  3. Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  4. If you have any questions about your application, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit

Application Deadline: 11:59pm ET, 1 April 2025

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The Robert M. Stevenson Award recognizes outstanding scholarship in Iberian and Latin American music. The designation “Iberian music” refers to music composed, performed, created, collected, belonging to, or descended from the musical cultures of Spain and Portugal. “Latin American music” refers to music composed, created, collected, or descended from the musical cultures of all the countries in South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. The award will be given annually to a book, monograph, edition, or journal article by a member of the AMS. The publication must be written in English and must have been published during the preceding three calendar years (2022 to 2024).

The winner will be selected by a committee of three scholars. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Stevenson Award only once. A book may receive only one AMS award in a given year.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 15 April 2025

Ends on

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 1 April 2025

Overview and Eligibility:

The AMS Teaching Award will honor an exceptional pedagogical resource for musicology by an AMS member or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States published during the previous two years (2023 or 2024). Publication year may refer to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book or journal; online and non-traditional sources must make clear the year of publication. By “resource” is meant a published article, book (including textbook), digital medium, online material, other scholarly endeavor, or non-traditional source (e.g. white paper, curriculum, blog, etc.). This resource should best exemplify the highest qualities of originality, theory, application, and communication for teaching and pedagogy in any of the various fields of music as a branch of learning and scholarship.

The committee, consisting of three scholars, will choose a single winner from among all of the candidates. The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society. An individual may receive the Teaching Award only once. A work of scholarship may receive only one AMS award.

Anyone may submit a nomination. Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted by 15 April 2025. Additionally, the award committee may solicit the curriculum vitae of each nominee.

Nominations and Review Copies:

  • Eligible nominations will be posted to the List of Nominations. This list will be updated periodically throughout the nomination period.
  • If available, please provide a digital (PDF) review copy of the nominated work. An upload field is provided on the nomination form. There is no file size limit. If the digital review copy includes a watermark, we kindly request that it be applied in a fashion that isn't too obtrusive for the reviewers, such as in the margins where it doesn’t cover the text, or in a light opacity.
  • For any nomination that does not include a digital review copy, the AMS will contact the publisher to request the review copy.
  • If you wish to nominate a work for more than one AMS award (provided it meets eligibility requirements), please submit the corresponding nomination form for each award the work is to be nominated.

Important Notes:

  1. You MUST click the 'Submit' button at the end of the form to submit your nomination. Nominations not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Upon submission of your nomination form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also view your nomination by signing into your Submittable account and clicking "My Submissions".
  3. If you have any questions about your nomination, please contact the AMS office at For technical questions about Submittable, please visit
  4. Publishers and Colleagues: the form will ask you to send a reference request (Author Eligibility Request) so that the author may verify eligibility for the nomination. The form will ask you to input the author's email address.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EDT, 1 April 2025

American Musicological Society